#ShareTheLight Virtual Songwriting Project, A Peace-Building Song and Music Video
The #ShareTheLight Project is an international song and music video born out of a peace-building collaboration between WAGGGS, ( World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts), When We Shine Foundation and Melinda Caroll Music. In June and July of 2020, the Covid Pandemic was spreading its dire effects world-wide, creating isolation, sadness, debilitation and feelings of helplessness. We wanted to summon up a way to help galvanize the global organization of young women, to bring forward our shared mission of serving girls when most needed. Our aim was to create something that would help us all feel more connected to each other and to our Movement - and to remind ourselves of our collective power to change the world, ....Plus, we had to create a project that could translate easily on a digital platform!
We chose the title, Share the Light, because of a previous successful virtual global campfire that was held in April of 2020 entitled "Share the Light." The "Light" concept translates easily in many languages and cultures, and worked beautifully for the official languages of WAGGGS, Arabic, French, Spanish and English. Our new song, #ShareTheLight debuted on July 17, 2020, at the WAGGGS Online International Festival.
In the lyrics of the song you will clearly hear/see the message, that to be a change-maker you first must love yourself – ‘you are the one that you’ve been waiting for’. When we do this, our own light shines, the collective light grows as does our power to change the world.
The song #ShareTheLight was co-written by 15 members of WAGGGS from 10 countries across all five WAGGGS Regions with songwriter, Melinda Caroll, facilitating in partnership with When We Shine Foundation. In this clip you will see and hear our digital global choir made up of 109 people from 20 countries across all WAGGGS Regions and from all five of the WAGGGS World Centres.
100% of all streaming and Mp3 download revenues of this song go directly to When We Shine Foundation to support more projects such as this, projects that help to build strong female leadership and bridges to Peace in this world! Thank you for your generous consideration and for any contributions!
We hope this song will help you to have the courage to love yourself and the bravery to Share Your Light with our world – FOR HER WORLD!
Share the Light (Lyrics)